The world is but a canvas to the imagination...
Henry David Thoreau

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Oh Brother!

I am not sure what it was about this summer but it was over before I blinked! I have a long list of things to blog about, Cub Scout day camp,(lot's of cute stories and pictures) Boy Scout camp (Lots of cute pictures and not so cute, make a Mother's blood run cold stories), Cowley's Day, my trip to Utah (Could my neices and nephews be any cuter !?!) going to CKU (let's shout out for creativity), painting my bedroom (yay! finally!) Getting ready for school, (I have a high schooler - yikes!) the list goes on. However that list will just have to be a teaser for what is to come when the kids go back to school and I can actually breathe. :-)

When I sat down at my computer today, I was supposed to write the Primary program for sacrament meeting. Of course like that children's story "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie" it went something like this;
1) If you give Kee a calling she will have to write the program...
2) If she has to write the program she needs to use the computer...
3) When she uses the computer, first her email must be checked...
4) When she checks her email, she discovers a smart aleck remark about her blog not being updated...
5) In order to update her blog she needs recent pictures....
6) When searching through pictures she finds these old ones of her boys...loll

Well you get the picture, or as my kids would say, "Pun, pun! You mean 3 pictures! I needed some pictures for a layout to display on the wall of a LSS about two years ago. The theme was Brothers, so I grabbed Joey and Toby and started snapping pictures. I made the layout and downloaded the pictures. I really loved these three in particular, but had forgotten all about them until today. So, I did update my blog, but not about Scouts, Cowley, Utah or School. That was my intention, but hey, if you give a mouse a cookie, you don't know what will happen! loll :-)


Amy said...

I can't see the pictures on my computer! Your screen is blank!

Kee said...

I don't know what happened, I viewed the blog and saw them, but now they aren't on mine either! I will try again....

Joan said...

I love brother pictures. These are way cute. I love the fact that your kids are so loving to each other. Makes a Grandma proud.

Mom O

JayandCassandra said...

Give a mouse a cookie or Kee a computer.... hmmm... not sure what to pick between the cookie and the computer.