The world is but a canvas to the imagination...
Henry David Thoreau

Monday, November 24, 2008

Down with the "MAN"! Protest Baby! Peace!

As much as I love my children and love to have pictures of them...can we say 600+ from Disney alone? There is one type of photo that drives me insane. The school photo. Now, that being said, I absolutely love to get them from my don't be offended, bombard me with emails and hurt feelings and cross my name off of the photo-sending list forever! Take a if everyone is calm I will continue. With four kids, finding the right photo package is very difficult. I don't want one that has 1 8x10, 1 5x7 2 3x5's 42 wallet sizes and a bonus of one billion little photo stickers of themselves that my children will stick everywhere. The right package does not exist. Luckily for me, there is the option of add-ons. For the price of a small country, 1/2 of a college tuition and a leg (volunteers anyone?) we can create a package that fills the needs of every one's photo frame. Of course, you still have all of the leftovers.

When we moved I discovered roughly 5 million packets of half used school pictures~which was interesting since my children have only been in school a combination of 26 years. I chose to paint a mural in our new living room, but had I been moved by the muse in another direction, I could have easily papered the walls with my children in various stiff poses, cheesy grins, glassy looks and usually one of them in an outfit that I did NOT approve for the "picture day" (imagine grim muzak here) Lets not forget the ones where they decided to restyle their hair with the new black picture day comb which they are given before they get their picture taken. Now really, whoever thought that one up was NOT a mother!

We are well conditioned by society to get these pictures, so as fall brightly colored our lives and summer drifted to the ground I prepared for the inevitable picture day. Until an flyer came home and I discovered that the prices had risen AGAIN! There was only one answer. I may look like a soccer mom on the surface, but on that day, my hippie roots reared their tie-dyed banners and said BOYCOTT!

An organized protest crossed my mind, but seemed a little extreme for the circumstances, so we just decided to take our own in the backyard. Here are the most updated photos of the kids. Alex (14), Joey (12) {He opted for his serious look} Lissie (11) and Toby (8). Enjoy!


Colett (*.*) said...

Good for you! They are better pictures anyway. I paid the ridiculous price of $60 for 3 kids and I throw a fit every year because we are trained to think that we are bad parents if we don't. I support you in your boycott.

Lesli said...

Those are the best school pictures I've ever seen!!!! Beautiful and handsome!

Margaret Kay said...

Your photos are wonderful! I wish I had done that - However, my kids eventually removed themselves from the school picture deal, and I was forced to take my own photos. I don't have a single "senior" photo of ANY of my kids. How did that happen?

JayandCassandra said...

Those turned out great!! I think the one of Alex is really, really, good though.

Amy said...

I don't blame you one bit! These are awesome and no crappy school photographer is going to let all your kids get all together in ONE picture like you did! So cute! Did you remember to burn your bra?