The world is but a canvas to the imagination...
Henry David Thoreau

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Boys and Icky things

When I was growing up I was pretty adventurous. My best friend Dwayne and I would take off on our bikes, play in the mud, climb trees and come home pretty filthy. My sister and I loved to have campfires, had the BEST fort in the world, (remember Berry Island ~ Bob? And the swing?) We were always exploring, rock climbing and otherwise giving our parents more grey hair. I especially remember our "soap box" race cars that we built out of the beautiful large metal doll carriages that our Nana and Papa sent us. They were deep purple metal, had great springs and man could those babies fly down the highway once we rebuilt them! Lets just say Mom was less than thrilled with our ingenuity! All of this experience became handy when I had not one, not two but THREE boys. (I still think that Heavenly Father is laughing!) So with the boys, most of the things they do don't freak me out. I am not saying that I GET what is going on in their minds ~ other than the words IDEA and ACTION become one word IDEAACTION....but I can handle most of it. One things I will NEVER get is the love that boys have for snakes, bugs, salamanders and other creepy crawly NASTIES! Cody Marchant (our boy's cousin) found this snake at scout camp and all of the boys were just fascinated with it! Alex and Joey tried to convince me we needed one, but this is one thing I will NOT give in on. Geez...Boys and icky things. Guess that should be one word as well! By the way, I absolutely LOVE Shon's Grandma Leta and she found out that the boys had brought the snake into the house is the first time I have ever heard her yell! I took this picture of her as I was laughing about it...and she was telling me to stop laughing.


Amy said...

Oh the joys of raising boys! Can't wait! Love the pic of my grandma...makes me miss her sooooo much!

Joan said...

I love Shon's Grandma too and am glad you got that picture. I also HATE snakes. I always tell Margaret how much I can't handle even thinking about them but she doesn't mind them. She'd probably be right in there with the boys and find them fascinating. What gene is she missing? It's so great that you are blogging more often.

Mom O

JayandCassandra said...

Ha Ha!!! Kai has taken to playing with the beetles in the field next to our house. Spectacular!

Margaret Kay said...

Hi Kee, I have been checking back regularly on your blog, but all I ever saw was your first entry "the birth of a blog". Then on your new face book entry you mentioned you were finding the blog earier than facebook. I was confused, so I finally clicked on someone else's URL to your site, and Wah-la, there you were and you have been writing in your blog all along! I don't know what happened? . . . but I have had to read a whole lot in one sitting! It's been fun - Luv you!

Lesli said...

I think today - I am glad I raised all girls :) !!!