The world is but a canvas to the imagination...
Henry David Thoreau

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Toby's Baptism

We are a bit behind in our blogs, so look for several over the next few days. Toby was baptized on the 22nd. I can not believe that it was our last one! His little friend Emma was born on the same day and they wanted to get baptized together. Our families are friends and so we thought it would be great organize it togther. Bishop Wardell gave permission for them to be baptized on their birthday. Toby and Emma were so cute, I will post a picture of them that we took after the baptizm that her Grandfather took when I receive it. Here is a picture of Toby that we took right before we left for the church. What a cute boy! Lots of friends came and it was a wonderful way to celebrate!

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Joan said...

Oh I wish I could have been there. It just doesn't seem that long since Joey was baptised and I look at those pictures often. He looks so grown up in these pictures.

Mom O

Colett (*.*) said...

Congrats Tobers I am so proud of you and your decision to be baptized. This is why I love the blog, we get to see the pics!