The world is but a canvas to the imagination...
Henry David Thoreau

Monday, July 21, 2008

Dreaming of Dragonflies

While taking out the garbage the other day, Joey made a new friend. He came back with a little hitchhiker on his shirt. We couldn't get her to leave. I don't know if it needed to rest or just wanted to hang out with a cool guy, but the dragonfly stuck around for a photo shoot before she left. We actually had to go outside and shake his shirt before she flew off into the sun. She was so pretty with those jewel tones and those delicate wings.

You can't see it in the picture, but her wings were moving so fast that they seemed to hum.

Isn't the detail amazing. We kept thinking that she would spook and fly away while we were looking at her, but apparently she was a diva dragonfly as well as being a beauty queen because she basked in our admiration.

Time to fly away home little friend.......


JayandCassandra said...

Diva dragonfly.... LOL. Only you Kee!

Colett (*.*) said...

Who knew that Joey was a dragonfly wisperer. That's pretty cool. We have a giant caterpillar cocoon and we are waiting to see it turn to a butterfly!

Joan said...

There is someting fascinating about dragonflies. I don't normally like any bugs and when dragflies come around I'm never sure whether to run or sit while they fly around my head but I usually sit. The same goes for praying mantis which we have in Utah. I don't really want to hold them but they are amazing little creatures that I love to watch.
By the way Joey looks really cute in these photos.

Mom O

Lesli said...

She's a beautiful one - you know me and dragonflies - great photos!